What is NextGen?

NextGen Consultants are REVOLUTIONIZING the employee benefits landscape...

Creating Better Outcomes for Employees

Controlling Health Care Costs for Employers

Winning Large Groups from the Big Agencies 

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What You Will Learn

What are NextGen Benefits

Who is NextGen Benefits for

How NextGen can benefit your clients

The next steps to become a NextGen Benefits adviser

Defining the Benefits Revolution

You’ve seen the NextGen Benefits MasterMind Partnership and NextGen Advisers discuss the power, influence, and success of NextGen Benefits for their firms... Here's why.

nextgen ○ benefits

    • : revolutionary model for employer-sponsored health care plans that offers the employer control over their health care budget with the same standard business principles used in every other aspect of their company.

: lowers and controls health care costs by paying only for the health care that employees use.

: manages the quality and cost of the health care that employees purchase by using a variety of innovative strategies and techniques.

Examples of NextGen Benefits in a Sentence:

    Independent agency owners can improve the quality of care and medical outcomes for employees with NextGen Benefits. Employers are reducing year-over-year costs by 20-40% in year one and up to 60% by year five, while simultaneously eliminating out-of-pocket expenses for their employees.

What Brokers are Saying About NextGen

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Don't miss this FREE 8 minute overview on NextGen Benefits!

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